Homeopathy is a form of medicine in which disorders are treated with homeopathic medicines that stimulate the self-healing capacity. Homeopathic medicines are durable and, if used properly, completely safe and are used for a limited period in small doses. You could say that a homeopath is a witness to your own inner process. Which helps you to see yourself more clearly by listening and observing and by connecting a number of points together that will give you a better understanding of your current state. However, unlike in psychotherapy, this process is necessary in order to find the right remedy. that will help unlock the blocks that your inner self chooses at that moment. Homeopathy therefore goes hand in hand with other therapies that aim to support you holistically. A well-chosen remedy can help you access the deeper layers that may have been the origin of the disease that is now occurring.

In classical homeopathy, we try to find one remedy that includes all the physical, emotional and mental symptoms that are part of the sick state. We also look at aspects such as your food preferences, whether you do well in cold weather or prefer a warm climate, your family history of illness and major incidents in your life.

Therapy usually includes an intake consultation (usually ±2 hours) and 3-5 follow-up sessions in the first few weeks/months to monitor your healing process. We will then evaluate the progress and see if more treatments are needed or if you are in good shape now. In that case, you are welcome to see me 2-3 times a year for a check-up and maintenance of your health.

Prior to the first consultation you will receive an intake form which I will ask you to return to me a week before we meet. This will save us valuable time that we can then use to delve deeper into your complaints.

It is difficult to predict how long a healing process will take. In general, we can say from experience that acute cases, such as a fever or ear infection in a child, take less time, because the remedy is often clear at that moment. While deep, chronic cases that have developed over many years are often more complex and may take longer to unravel.